Architect, Museum Assistant Director, Teacher
March 18, 1960 – March 15, 2021
Clarissa Limquico Avendaño was a faculty member of University of Santo Tomas (UST) College of Architecture and for nine years the assistant museum director of the UST Museum.
She finished her BA Architecture degree in 1982 and obtained her master’s degree in 2004 at UST.
During her active years, Avendaño contributed to several projects in her alma mater. She assisted in the tripartite heritage department, formulating the conservation plan and researching the heritage value of UST’s Main Building that led to its designation as a National Cultural Treasure in 2010.
She was also a member of the International Council of the Museums Committee for University Museums and Collections.
Avendaño also collaborated for the establishment of the UST Center for Conservation of Cultural Property and Environment in the Tropics. She also crafted the UST Museum’s emergency protocols and fostered the growth of UST Museum’s principles and practices.
Her colleague in establishing the tripartite heritage department in UST, Fr. Isidro Abaño of the Faculty of Civil Law, said, “All of these happened because of her diligence and dedication to her responsibilities. She’s a very excellent example of a person who performs well.”
Avendaño was known to be diligent, generous, motherly, selfless, and soft-spoken. A UST student, Garry Wilson Ponce, said she helped him obtain his degree. “She technically made it possible for me to graduate and finish my studies with the financial help that she gave to me,” Ponce said.